This item is composed entirely of circles. The idea originally came to mind in the early 1980's while I worked as a silver designer with Lunt Silversmiths. Though it was not produced commercially, I decided in 2009 to make one of my own. I simply called it Triple Candle Holder.
The subtle three-dimensional interest generated by the pyramid of three circles pleased me. When in place, the candles seem to float within halos. Although I loved the simplicity of this design, the finished piece never drew much attention (indeed, one gallery owner dismissed it as being insufficiently "arty"). Ten years after making it, I decided to add something more.
In 2019, I was part of a special group exhibition in Toronto called 32 Points - 32 Voices, A Compass of Peace. For this show I re-worked the Triple Candle Holder by adding a rope-like twisted wire pattern that merges in the center and supports a beautiful rhodochrosite crystal. This flame-like gem can be thought of as one of the lights of Peace. And, although not obvious from above, when the candle holder is viewed from below, the shape of the twisted wires forms a perfect Peace symbol (seen below).