Rose Quartz Ring
This sculptural ring is surprisingly comfortable to wear. Its X-shaped form is simple and visually strong, yet it holds a delicate pink stone that can be described as feminine.
The stone, an asymmetrically cut rose quartz, is tension set. It literally hovers in its place above the area between the wearer’s fingers, and light freely enters from above and below.

Two square sheets of sterling are precisely slotted in order to fit together as an X. Two carved areas are exactly positioned to receive the edges of the stone. What will become the inside surfaces are pre-polished.
Both square sheets are soldered together into the X shape. The inside surfaces are given their final polish.

The X shape is clamped in a vise. A steel dowel is positioned to force the X open enough to allow the stone to enter. Prior to this, the same part of the X shape was squeezed partly closed. This closing then opening of the shape results in just enough spring tension to lock the stone tightly in place.
The stone is tension set.

The required finger size is pierced through and those surfaces are polished.
The finished piece. The outside shape of the ring is cut and filed true, and the entire piece is given its final polish.